News about GeneWeb

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20 October 2023: Mediawiki updated

This Mediawiki has been updated from the version 1.25 it had since it's beginning to the Legacy LTS 1.35.13 version of last September. This allows users to use the Visual editor extension that is a WYSIWYG user-friendly editor: just try “Edit” tab instead of “Edit source”. The demo will be updated when Geneweb version 7.1 beta is out, that is probably next month. Stay tuned!

11 August 2023: Geneweb v7.0.1 alpha2 released!

For early adopters, please download and test in your environment.

Note also that the naming of these two alpha versions was a mistake: next release will be v7.1.0, this because of a minor change in the database format storage.

30 October 2020: Geneweb v7.0.0 is finaly released!


15 March 2018: Preview demo of GeneWeb 7

It has been quite a while without news about GeneWeb, but a lot of work has been done in the background. If you haven't tried the demonstration of GeneWeb 7, you should! For example, if you remember the old table of descendants in version 6.07, look at all the added options for tables in version 7: images, popups for notes and sources, children counts, better d’Aboville notation for multiples relations, a new mode with separate rows for spouses (to see their birth and death), buttons to change the number of generations, to the table (or trees) of ancestors, easier access to forms, easy navigation between parents/children and between individuals—all that in the same program! Feedback is welcome on Github or on the mailing list.

Please consider providing new translations, as only English and French are well maintained for the moment. The project will need help from translators to provide missing lexicon sentences before the final release of GeneWeb 7 .

1st September 2016: GeneWeb is over 18 years old! 

Happy birthday to Daniel's 1st commit on the GeneWeb Github repository!

7 April 2016: HTTPS

As our host Tuxfamily welcomes HTTPS, so do we! GeneWeb Wiki and its demo sub-site now benefit from the Let's Encrypt certificate. GeneWeb documentation is now available on

8 March 2016: Continuous integration

Travis and Appveyor on GitHub.

The continuous integration tools Travis-CI (Linux/OS X) and AppVeyor (Windows) have been chosen to check that the compilation of GeneWeb is successful on the respective platforms. If a build is successful, it's reported with a little Github badge on the file ,and is also on the front page of GitHub.

Build logs can be found by clicking on those badges at:

26 January 2016: Roadmap to GeneWeb 7 beta

Good news! The main developer of GeneWeb for all versions of GeneWeb 6 will keep maintaining the distribution until the release version of Geneweb 7. The master repository for the project can now be found at

A concrete roadmap to the incoming beta has been published on the wiki. Any help or feedback is appreciated!

1st October 2015: Geneweb Wiki

Mediawiki has been deployed on for GeneWeb documentation at Everybody can help write and translate the manual, FAQ, and tips and tricks for GeneWeb.

26 May 2015: GeneWeb is moving to Github

GeneWeb is now hosted on Github (for some months), at:

The issues tracker has been moved, too (however, comments have not, but will be soon).

For better community exposure, the entire project is moving (including the wiki, but taking one step at a time).

Please, from now on, it would be better to use GitHub to report issues or update the wiki. Thanks.